Bench experiment using LoRa transceivers on the 70cm ham band (~433 MHz) as IF radios, up and down converting to/from the 3cm (~10GHz) ham band. Inspired by work being done at Open Research Institute ( It could be really interesting to have some LoRa APRS iGate stations/beacons on at 10GHz to promote experimentation. (
10GHz Downconverter with Mini-Circuits blocks
The primary goal is to be able to roughly calibrate some signal sources in the 8.4GHz to 10GHz range with known calibrated equipment at lower frequencies. I have a Tektronix RSA306B Spectrum Analyzer, but a receiver with the appropriate coverage would work. Signal paths (really need a diagram!) Uncalibrated 10.5 GHz Source : 30dB Attenuator […]