2020 Bot

Twenty Dollars, Twenty Minutes, Build a Bot.

2020 Bot

2020 Bot

The 2020 Bot is an inexpensive and easy to build robot project.  It makes a great first robot, or an excellent group project for your for your maker space, class, or camp.

The parts can be found online and at your local craft store, and will cost around $20.  Starting from scratch and depending on your experience level, the entire build process may take over an hour.

For a group project, a few preparatory steps can bring the build time down close to twenty minutes.  Purchasing parts in bulk will also lower the per robot price point.

2020 Bot Features

The chassis of the 2020 Bot is built out of foam board using double sided tape.  Other than some scissors and a hobby knife, no special tools are needed to customize the 2020 Bot or build a completely different robot.  Re-use the electronics and experiment!

The controller of the 2020 Bot is an Arduino Nano, which means the entire world of Arduino compatible libraries and examples can be used to learn about programming.  Plus, there are plenty more Arduino compatible modules and devices you can add to your 2020 Bot.

Want to get started?  The best place to start are the step-by-step instructions at Instructables (http://www.instructables.com/id/2020-Bot/)

Need a head start finding parts?  The 2020 Bot Store (http://www.robojay.us/2020-bot-store/) contains links to items that have been purchased to build 2020 Bots.

Looking for 2020 Bot kits?  Stay tuned…

Keep up to date on 2020 Bot news via Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/2020Bot/) or sign up for the email list below.

Here are all the 2020 Bot resources!  Click on the item to follow its link.


Kit Instructions for Revision 1 Kits (Bay Area Maker Faire 2017, MakeIt Labs January 2018)

2020 Bot Store

Chassis Template PDF

GitHub Arduino Library

Wiring Diagram

Wiring Checklist

Raw YouTube Playlist (the Instructable is better…)

Check out the 2020 Bot posts and other projects on my blog, RoboJay.us

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