Make your robot drive straight (ok, well, straighter) using the MPU-6050 6-Degrees-of-Freedom accelerometer/gyro. This is another presentation given to the Nashua Robot Builders. Here’s the Arduino code: Please note… the Arduino code isn’t up to my usual standards, but it will show you a few things. Pay attention to the required libraries (links […]
Twenty 2020 Bots – Bay Area Maker Faire 2017
Phew! That was amazing! I had a blast at Bay Area Maker Faire building 2020 Bots all day Saturday and Sunday. Once an hour, a couple attendees got a chance to build their own 2020 Bot and take it home with them.
2020 Bot Motor Control Examples
I just updated the 2020 Bot Arduino Library to include a couple motor control examples: One uses the delay() function between motions. This is great for ease of understanding, but not so great to use in practice. The delay() function blocks the robot from doing most other tasks until the time expires. The second example […]
IR Proximity Sensing
When you build a robot, it’s nice to have layers of sensors. You can think of the layers either top down (maybe starting with a 3D laser scanner), or from the bottom up (are my motors stalled?). Proximity sensing sits on one of the lower layers, and generally is used as “Hey, there’s something near […]
Arduino Nano V3.0 CH340G Drivers
I’ve been using the 3.0 version Arduino Nano on the 2020 Bot, which replaces usual FTDI USB to Serial converter with the less expensive CH340G.
2020 Bot Video Instructions
Very rough video instructions are now available on my YouTube channel.
2020 Bot Parts List
A PDF template for the 2020 Bot can be found here. Source code for the 2020 Bot can be found here. Read more for the parts list…
2020 Bot Parts from China
This week I received a box full of possible 2020 Bot parts direct from China. For this order, my goals were to evaluate supplier quality and get an idea on shipping volumes, weights, and costs. I’m seriously considering whether or not it makes sense to offer 2020 Bot kits, or just provide instructions and let everyone fend […]
2020 Bot Motor Choices
Experiments continue on the 2020 Bot! The robot on the left was built using the ubiquitous 28BYJ-48 geared stepper motors and ULN2003 drivers. The robot on the right uses the famous yellow gearboxes plus brush motors with an L9110S dual motor driver board. Which one should I use for the 2020 Bot?
2020 Bot
Slides from my 2020 Bot presentation to the Nashua Robot Builders. The 2020 Bot is a work in progress…