LoRa 10GHz Ham Radio

Bench experiment using LoRa transceivers on the 70cm ham band (~433 MHz) as IF radios, up and down converting to/from the 3cm (~10GHz) ham band. Inspired by work being done at Open Research Institute (https://www.openresearch.institute/) It could be really interesting to have some LoRa APRS iGate stations/beacons on at 10GHz to promote experimentation. (https://github.com/lora-aprs/LoRa_APRS_iGate)

10GHz Downconverter with Mini-Circuits blocks

The primary goal is to be able to roughly calibrate some signal sources in the 8.4GHz to 10GHz range with known calibrated equipment at lower frequencies. I have a Tektronix RSA306B Spectrum Analyzer, but a receiver with the appropriate coverage would work. Signal paths (really need a diagram!) Uncalibrated 10.5 GHz Source : 30dB Attenuator […]

Driving Straight and Turning with the MPU-6050

  Make your robot drive straight (ok, well, straighter) using the MPU-6050 6-Degrees-of-Freedom accelerometer/gyro. This is another presentation given to the Nashua Robot Builders. Here’s the Arduino code: _2020Bot_MUP6050.ino.zip Please note… the Arduino code isn’t up to my usual standards, but it will show you a few things.  Pay attention to the required libraries (links […]

2020 Bot Motor Control Examples

I just updated the 2020 Bot Arduino Library to include a couple motor control examples: https://github.com/robojay/_2020Bot_Library One uses the delay() function between motions. This is great for ease of understanding, but not so great to use in practice. The delay() function blocks the robot from doing most other tasks until the time expires. The second example […]

IR Proximity Sensing

When you build a robot, it’s nice to have layers of sensors.  You can think of the layers either top down (maybe starting with a 3D laser scanner), or from the bottom up (are my motors stalled?).  Proximity sensing sits on one of the lower layers, and generally is used as “Hey, there’s something near […]

Programming the 2020 Bot

Once you’ve built your 2020 Bot and played around with it a bit, the next step is writing your own programs.  The 2020 Bot uses an Arduino Nano micro controller.  A simple web search will turn up plenty of references.  Here’s a good link to get you started: Official Nano Getting Started guide from Arduino:  https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/ArduinoNano

2020 Bot Wiring

Here is a hookup diagram and a wiring checklist to go along with the 2020 Bot video instructions.  The diagram has a couple breadboard locations that are different than what are called out in the video and checklist, but they are functionally equivalent. Click on each image to download PDF versions:

DinoBot – circa 1993

This probably qualifies as my first real robot.  Still works after 20+ years. I built it as part of the final project in my grad school Artificial Intelligence course.  The professor made sure I understood the project was a software project, and not to get hung up on the hardware side (fortunately, being an electrical engineer in […]